Particular goals of foundation of College of Agriculture, Bhanashiware.
1) To give directions prompting B. Sc. (Agri.) degree program.
2) To lead the area particular need based research for tending to rural issues looked by the ranchers.
3) To render the augmentation administrations to the ranchers relating to farming and its associated exercises.
1. To make agricultural education responsive to the growing and changing needs of the society in general and aspirations of the farming community in particular.
2. To establish a dynamic system of agricultural education to train highly skilled and competent manpower to address the challenging tasks with new emerging areas of research, extension and industry .
3. To serve as a centre for academic excellence in the area of graduation and human resources development in agricultural sciences.
1.To develop practical oriented agricultural graduates.
2.Providing a wide range of extra curricular activities for the students to develop them outside the academic sphere.
3.Effective transfer of agricultural technology from lab to land.
4. To sustain the survival of Indian Farming by using modern technology.
5.To diversefy the extension services for Agro-based Industries.
6.Providing hi-tech infrastructure and providing 100% assistance in placement.